Degradation | |||||||||
109-99-9 | Tetrahydrofuran | H | PETRO VE766 | VE766 | PVC | 3 (>60) | Not tested | ||
109-99-9 | Tetrahydrofuran | H | PETRO VE780 | VE780 | PVC | 3 (>60) | Not tested | ||
109-99-9 | Tetrahydrofuran | H | PETRO ESD VE781 | VE781 | PVC | 3 (>60) | Not tested | ||
109-99-9 | Tetrahydrofuran | H | NITREX VE802 | VE802 | NITRILE | 0 (<10) | Not tested |
Before any searching for any products, ask yourself a few questions. They will guide you through choosing a glove for protection against chemical risks:
Once this analysis is done, you are ready to use the search engine. A colour code will guide you through your choices and enable you to choose the product best suited to your environment.
Process by which a chemical product diffuses through the material of a protective glove, by continuous contact, on a molecular level.
The EN ISO version of standard 374-1, introduces the concept of three types of protection against the permeation of chemicals:
- Type A: The glove gives a performance index to permeation at least equal to 2 for 6 chemical test substances taken from the list of chemicals specified in the standard.
- Type B: The glove gives a performance index to permeation at least equal to 2 for 3 chemical test substances taken from the list of chemicals specified in the standard.
- Type C: The glove gives a performance index to permeation at least equal to 1 for 1 chemical test substances taken from the list of chemicals specified in the standard.
A | Methanol | 67-56-1 |
B | Acetone | 67-64-1 |
C | Acetonitrile | 75-05-8 |
D | Dichloromethane | 75-09-2 |
E | Carbon disulfide | 75-15-0 |
F | Toluene | 108-88-3 |
G | Diethylamine | 109-89-7 |
H | Tetrahydrofurane | 109-99-9 |
I | Ethyl acetate | 141-78-6 |
J | n-Heptane | 142-82-5 |
K | Caustic soda 40 % (NaOH or sodium hydroxide) | 1310-73-2 |
L | Sulphuric acid 96 % | 7664-93-9 |
M | Nitric acid 65% | 7697-37-2 |
N | Acetic acid 99% | 64-19-7 |
O | Ammonium hydroxide 25% | 1336-21-6 |
P | Hydrogen peroxide 30% | 7722-84-1 |
S | Hydrofluoric acid 40% | 7664-39-3 |
T | Formaldehyde 37% | 50-00-0 |